![]() I'm fourteen. All I hope for now is to completely forget about you. Youtube|Facebook|Twitter tagboard
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Saturday, March 27, 2010 Haha. And by the way, he wins the most annoying elder brother award. I'm serious. Yet, daddy says I'm suppose to tollerate. Okay nabilah, tollerate ~ Hehe, I'm kinda missing my sec one hair, so bubbly and I loike the fringe. But wtv k it was so freaking thick I thinned it like twice and now... Okay shut up haha. I shan't regret. You shush you! My fringe will grow!!!! Hmmph. And at least my head isn't that heavy now hehe. But my hair's so dry now :( Nabilah, what have you doneeeeee. :( K wtv. Hmm I am done eating. I feel full now. *burrrp* yes thank you. K look. I forgot what I was about to say. Hmmph. K I shall be random. I wanna go universal studios boohoo. Haha. Syamir I am gonna drag you thr bleargh. Uh, hmm. I think I need to pee. Okay I shall rush through this. K maybe not. Eh there's so many things on tomorrow. Life sucks. I can't choose! Because all's important. Nabilah, you fail at deciding your life. Thus, you're a failure in life :( Ah, come on. I'm picking myself up. HAHAH. Okay I shall choose one tomorrow morning. My mum shall help me. K, maybe not. Now what now what now whattttt. Oh, today was fine. Havn't met faris in awhile. So I met him for awhile. (haha, what nonsense nabilah). Oh and Shah thanks for disturbing faris with me. He's a dog, who doesn't gets tired. Predict his next relationship! :) And rifqi is uh, perv hahahaha. Ah! Last tuesday was cool :> Out with shahf and azfa, then ams came so yeah anyway, slacked at bras basah (out of all places, don't ask me why). Haha. Ams you suck at dai di go home and cry please hehehe. Azfa doesn't even know how to play haha. Nvm azfa, you know how to play snap! HAHAH. Buddy with shahf ah champion. :) OKAY I AM BORED I SHALL GO PEE NOW BYE. ![]() Omfg this is so sec one nabilah! Cancer patient wannabe. HAHA. Omg I just looked through all the webcam pictures. k they make me cry. of humiliation. omg you have no idea. saggy boobz picture with nad and shahf HAHAHA. Okay joke of the year heeeeeh. Wtv it's been a long time since I've updated. Busy with school. :( It's taking over my life! Who am I kidding, it's singapore that I'm living in. Hah, stop complaining nabilah. You're in Singapore. Deal with it. Pffffft. Okay err I've been trying to catch up during lessons due to my absence and I missed out on a lot I think. :D And and PTM/MTP (same diff yknow) was smoooooth and okay ohsumz. Hehe. Mrs Yeo said I was a pleasant polite hardworking and doing well B) Aww, thank you Mrs Yeo. I appreciate those words of encouragement hehe. DoubleDs totally spoilt my record man. I just needed one finger to show her, the finger with the bloodstain! :( And I think trainings have been damn ohsumz although they end really late. I like the bathing and dinner part. Have been having dinner with wee ming diviya and diva alot aft training. (Which cause me to reach home at like 9 omg nabilah you can ttly dig out your eyeballs the next morning). Disturbing Diviya is the best part of all. Holy cow! 3 carambas + 1 cow. Diviya: Omg, I can't wait for halloween! Me: Yeah sure, cow. You'll go around. MOO! Scaaaared? *diva weeming and aishu bursting out in laughter* Diviya: HAHA ok that was funny! Stupid cow hahahaha. Hmm I'm hungry. Okay I shall eat first. See you again later :) Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Happy (belated) Birthday Faris Zlatanz! aka gay bff of the year haha. sorry I've got no picture to insert cos you're tooooooo gay of a bff! HAH. I know I owe you a wish yesterday, and I didn't. Because I was too tired and had a rough day blablabla whatever I explained, hehe. But yes I know you're expecting a post so wtv, I'm sincere about this k HAHA. Thanks for making me laugh because of your stupidest stupidity ever. Like, yes seriously. But you get on my nerves when you're tooooo stupid and can't even understand what I've been trying to explain, HAHA. It's okay, I'm nais. I'm patient. Although I wouldn't bother re-explaining nyehehehe! Hm. What some more? Oh. Thanks for trying to make me feel better when I'm down about youknowwhoIknowyouwouldkickhisass. HAHA. Thanks for showing me you can move on really quickly and I can't -.- HEHE. Kidding kidding. But yeah uh thanks for being a great bestfriend all these while ah. :) And like entertaining me with all sorts of crap haha. And making me go YMC hah hah. Okay lah I don't wanna brag manz. Btw, don't prasan fabregas ah. You look like Rooney dude! K la, not that ugly. Hmmmm. Ronaldinho? HAHAHAHAHAHA. K kidding uh k la messi or arshavin k! :D Oh! And thanks for making my bill boomz man. For the cambodia texts + call. HAH. beyatch but nvm, at least you know the cool bus boy story! haha oh and thanks for entertaining my crap when there's no one to crap to. hahaha. k wtv la thanks for being faris and yes you're fourteen too bad I am older than you so respect that and go and have a nice day and bowl on sunday k! HAH that was long, you sucker. You owe me a bear with pink bff shirt HAH. K bye gay person! You're not bi. ;) Sunday, March 21, 2010 Hey, okay I'm really bored right nao. Uh, happy belated birthday Hilman (19th Mar). Hope you like the tee, ha. Happy Birthday Jeslyn, Jocel and Syahmi. (21st Mar). And Happy Advanced Birthday FARIS! GAY BFF. (22nd Mar) HAHA. I do not know what to get for you. probably a gaybear? or something gay. Pork ah pork, set? HAH. Oh and damn it singapore is just way too small. There's a fcuking hell lot of connections god knows how and why. Bleargh! Anywaaaaay, I solved my mystery! :) I fail to stalk but wtv, sources are good these days. AHAHAH wtv. Andddd, I'd like to thank Faris and Amsyar (god the irony, they're enemies dammit) for making me feel better and putting some thoughts into my head which made sense (yes, surprisingly). And faris thanks a lot for the overseas calls and smses I know my bill will boomz but well yeah. I just needed to tell you about youknowwhat HAHA. Oh amsyar, congrats on your first picture I am proud of you :-) HEHEHE. No but really, I am. haha. Thanks you two for all your words after all I did for y'all! HAHAH CHEY. But oh yeah well, thankszzzz. <: AZFA I SO WANNA GET THAT ALBUM WITH YOU HAHAHA. Crazy sia but really ah, the songs are nice k ;) I don't care if he's gay or wtv he's still pretty cute haha. Thursday, March 18, 2010 Hi sheeps and cows. How are you. Haha. I am feeling gay right nao. Don't ruin my moment thank you. Haha. Diva I hate you still how could you. WHY ARE YOU THE NXT JOHN TERRY/JACK NEO/TIGER WOOD?!!!!! Stupid Diva haha. Take some shorty some more ;) you ah. I know he blows your mind right HAHA. DIVAAA. says: HAHAHAHA omg! Wait still got one more. DIVAAA. says: HAHAHAHAHA BLOWN = ASYIKIN AHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!! :D kkbye I'm so gay now. I hate you diva. Monday, March 15, 2010 I've been back since eternity. :) Just too lazy to update, hehe. You know what, holidays are here. I can't be bothered. Unless I'm stuck at home. So what are you doing here? Grab some life and go out, go! k bye. come back when ...... you come back hehe bye. thought you'd always be mine
Sunday, March 7, 2010 HI. I'LL BE OFF. MISS ME HUNNYBUNZ. <: haiiiiiz, I'm not done packing. Loading songs and videos now, hehe. I need company. I can bet in the bus I'll emo for some moment. Bleargh I'm so sorry Asyikin if I just turn quiet tomorrow. :( still, I lost my excitement. I don't know why. But hey sure, I'll miss you. Don't worry, I won't cry. Because I'm strong, baby! :) HEHEHE. Wtf. Okay yeah wtvs. Have fun to all you people in Singapore. Hehe, we could switch places if you want. I would stay! Haha, I'm pretty lazy to go hey I don't really mind slacking in school for three days! I'll just miss my sugars. Hehe. Kbye will miss you. you're the common denominator
Hey all. Sorry havn't been posting much. Anyway, I'll be off tomorrow for LJ until like, wednesday night. So yeah, less updates. I know you'll miss me. Aww, I'm sure. Hehe, you better ah! HAHA. Kidding. Okay, I'm just trying to make myself feel better. HEHE. What am I saying haha I should shut up now. Anyway, does anybody want anything? Text me like by tomorrow morning okay. I'll try to get for you la if I can haha. And Brenda, thanks for talking to me today. I guess yeah you know I don't know what's wrong with me these days (wait am I kidding, I mean months). But er yeah, I guess hiding it is pretty fine. But then again, I'm always here if you'd like to talk about what has been going wrong in you. hehe. love you :) To Amsyar, I hope you're like finally making your decisions now. Haha, but thanks for always trying to make me feel better because yeah, at times things you say do make sense (haha, sorry) and yes they help. HAHA. And be happy! Don't feel useless and unappreciative k. You've got **** hehe! Last long long long. Oh kay nabilah. You seem like you're leaving the world for eternity. -.- Right. But anyway yeah it's just that I havn't been posting much so I'd like to say what I've been wanting to say, hehe. Holy cow I've not packed. Haha, and yes I'm going tomorrow. I'm such a lazypig. Hehe. Whateverrrrrrrr. Okay I know I'm going to get 10001 mosquito bites because I'm so sweet like aw. HAHAHA whatever. Stop being egoistic nabilah! Hehehe once in awhile I feel so ego HEH. And finally, to somebody out there, I've just got too much to say to you. But, no I have doubts on whether I should. Because I don't know what I want in my life now, I don't even know what I should be doing now. But, I do know my feelings still linger and I don't know how to feel about it. Ah, life sucks. miley's pits stinks
Saturday, March 6, 2010 hehe amanda we're supposed to do our proposal/letter now now now. where are you pinky bangz dang! :( haha you are so dang gay you keep me gay since last year! table partner but now, sitting right behind me. HEHE I lub you many many! :D I know she's pretty. don't be jealous. haha, she's MINE. >< HAHAHAHAHA. Okay no I'm absolutely straight! :) this week has been okay, just busy with work. hehe. I got so much more tan omg :( thanks to touch rugby and whatever I do under the sun. boohooo nabilah's gonna be like the shadow she used to be in primary 5. hohooooo. celebration -.- k LJ's like on monday, up till wednesday. miss me hunnybunz. I know you will. HEHE! Kidding kidding. But anyw, I suddenly lost my excitement for it haha I wonder why. Maybe because going to a kampung is already what i do like every holiday -.- so going there for LJ wouldn't make a difference ROAR. Nothing new. I feed chickens, geese chase after me, I get bitten by insects, I clean the verandah in the rain, I suffer heat. Haiyo must I really go there like for LJ -.- EEEEKZ NVM HEHE I WILL WATCH THE OTHERS SUFFER WHEEEE. oh and this week after school has been. omg no life. go home sleep wake up play guitar do homework back to sleep. HAHA. except the days where I do homework aft sch HAHA. and then chuck everything under the table so I'll be free and my bag will weigh like 0.1g. :) oh and yeah talking to shahf. haha, thank you for understanding however my weird feelings are and my crazy rants. hehe. ikin too. don't cry ok babe i luv you :) you can always crash on me HAHA WTF. k yeah but yeah lubchuuuu. today i feel so cold and retarded. I played the guitar from 7 - 11. that's four hours. nabilah you have officially gone nuts. eh no lah I think guitar's just the best bff one could ever ask for. so loyal and pretty and beautiful awww. I love you guitar. HAHAHAHA k I have gone nuts. ): fine. I'll have to live without my baby while I go for LJ. how could I part with you baby. I wish you'd be here with me wherever I go. Not having you is like living without air for a day. How could you part with me, guitar ?!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA. k bye. miley died, that's why there's a Party In The USA. HEHEHE KBYE. Tuesday, March 2, 2010 Oh my god. I am freaking loaded with homework. Maths, geog, science, everything! And I've still got to study for EL's proposal writing tomorrow. And prepare for home ec practical also. This is hell. Just when i thought common tests were over. Life suck. I can see what's behind the curtains
Monday, March 1, 2010 I'm in need of panamol. My head is seriously crashing. I hate the hot weather. I hate the heat. I hate school. I hate the lack of sleep. I hate my migraines. I hate trying to endure the pain while I'm in school. I hate pain. AH DAMN. You know what, tomorrow's the last paper. I should be glad okay. I'm kinda glad, well yeah. Other than the fact that I know I've screwed my CTs. Congratulations in advance, Nabilah. You've done yourself proud. Gee, right -.- Urgh I need to give myself a weggie if that's the only way I could buck up and open these damn sleepy tired eyes man. I can't even bring myself to study simple stuff. How will I survive until the end of 2010? I wonder. Okay cut the blabbering blabbersz. Today's history was smooth. Except the lack of time to finish my comparisons. DAMN. But, yeah I couldn't think of another difference anyway -.- So, yeah I completed the paper. I am happy :) Aft school went to finish up my math at the libr. Linear graphs, why in the world are we learning it again. HMMMPH. And tell me how finding the gradient of a line would help me in my life and my journey on getting money and building a family. TELL ME. Half of the things we learn in secondary school are just crap that doesn't affect life and not needed in your future. How redundant can things get. _|_ Wait, who am i kidding. Okay I think I've ranted enough. Today, I screwed up. I didn't know there was training so yes, I didn't bring PE/House tee nor school shorts (err, ms poon sadly doesnt allow fbts god knows why) and shoes. AHHHH. You know how horrifying it was?!!!! Thx kimberly for your help. I hope mr sng's okay with it. :( For now, I will drag my lazy ass to face my sinister yellow textbook, EXPLORE GEOGRAPHY. Uhuh, let's explore nabilah. You've yet to learn why the earth is round. |