![]() I'm fourteen. All I hope for now is to completely forget about you. Youtube|Facebook|Twitter tagboard
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Sunday, February 28, 2010 HAHA I LOOK LIKE OOMPA LOOMPA. or however that creature's name is supposed to be spelt. haha, it's cool B) anyway, sorry I didn't do a proper update yesterday. was way too lazy and then while I was waiting for hilman/afiq's reply, I fell asleep. HAHA. Same goes for friday. Hahaha. What did I do on Friday? *scratches head* Oh. Science ct. I feel scared. You know why? Everybody used up the whole period to do while I only took like, k I don't know I ended at 8.05 instead of 8.26 (the ending time). And then when I was done I looked around and everybody's like all rushy. WAH GIVE ME THAT STUPID FEELING MAN. It's like as if I did everything wrong that's why I could complete it early. I hate that feeling. And so I fell asleep cos I was sneezing like an ass anyway. YOU KNOW WHAT'S FUNNY?!!!! Mother tongue was funny, like seriously. K it was like sleepy. and being the lazy creature I was born for, I obviously wasn't awake. Cikgu was just teaching and explaining peribahasa the whole time. Like obvly I was sleeping. But, before I fell into my usual deep sleep, I was like you know, sleeping with my heads up and then that slowwww movement of my head falling front/back? HAHA. then cikgu was explaining something then my head was falling back and then when she looked at me, I kinda felt it so I opened my eyes and did an "oh" with my mouth and she thought I was oh-ing at her sentence. HAHAHAH. okay maybe you don't get it but it was HELL FUNNY HAHAHAHA. But I was too sleepy to laugh I fell asleep again. Sabrina laughed at me cos she was about to ask me a question and look at my stoink sleeping face. :( HAHA Okay bla bla. Thank god home econs presentation was fine. My bullshit worked. Haha. And Natalie Chong you suck for not knowing that pinky cute hawker was our video AHAH. "how to cook chicken?" (already see the stupid question.) wanna know the answer some hawker gave? "oh.. wait for the chicken come then go wash then pluck out the feather and hang it *continues*" HAHAHAHAHAHA Damn funny and I think the interviews were the funniest shit eva. HAHA. "ok. I started telling you about how to make." HA. english fail. K wtv after school slacked awhile, then headed to PL macs with diva. Haha, it was funny. We arrived at the Sing Post building and went down, and then: *going down escalator* To shahfiqah sukor: we did not rush into macs!!!! HAHAH. but anyw we were the last to get it hahaha. cool ah B) lame I know ha ha. I still find it interesting, bwaaahaha. One day I shall try being the first omg HAHA. Anyway, spent like almost two hours sitting and talking to diva. total heart to heart talk. Diva, I trust you. You leak, I kill. Bwaahaha. And no, don't even think of asking me any more questions. I won't answer any! You suck hahahahaha. Now it's haunting me. I hate you divashini. HAHAHA. no kidding lub you wife. :) And then I got home and snored my ass off. Life is great then. :D Wednesday, February 24, 2010 ![]() Today's okay. I know I screwed my math upside down. Haha. Okay la. But I know I was damn careless and blind. it's okay nabilah, pick yourself up for midyears. Bleargh. Yeah, right. I hate common tests. You've got so little time. Bullpoop man. :( K anyway today's very slack. Math ct, science lab, english slack, ipw then recess and just freee till one! AWESOMISMZ. K had touch rugby aft sch. Omg do you know how hot it was? We didn't even get a single break for shelter! Only water breaks. Good enough lah I think. haha. k anyw it's interesting huhu. I've got pink cheeks now (burnt damnit), fbt/sleeve/ankle tanlines. Oh god help. Haha. I'm already tan. What more the touch rugby trainings now in the mr hot sun. Soon I'll turn into this. EH MR SUN PLEASE HAVE SOME MERCY ON ME :( K highlight of the day: catching up/heart to heart talk with shahf. hehe, miss you buubster. you better go LJ lor. Bleargh you neh go I don't know what to say. and I just realised I've not told you certain things eh. Dw I don't tell anybody anyway I'm too embarrassed HAHAHA. Okay tmr's lit CT. screwing it up for sure. haha, I'm so not a lit girl bleargh why. I hate essays. I hate humans. But I don't wanna take trip science. life is horrible. choices are so ...... limited. damn it. okay lah. I'll attempt to sleep since I don't know what to study for lit. OH WAIT I GOT MATH TO DO OMG I'M DEAD SCREWED. kbye. Tuesday, February 23, 2010 Hi I'm at Amanda Lim's house now. Crashing, hehehe. Serve facebook and keep on laughing. It's the sweet talk season! "Today's word is LEGS. Why not come over my house and spread the word?" HAHAHA. Okay anyway today's science lesson. The climax was: "I am not mad. I am MAAD!" with the expression. HAHAHA. Oh my oh my. Anyway during malay I was in my deep sleep, like seriously. And then cikgu like call my name don't know how many times also i neh wake up. Until sabrina woke me up and zulaikha gave me that death stare. HAHA, didn't get scolded. Cikgu just ask me wash my face. Eh I didn't drool I swear!!!! :) But anyway, yeah I was like having a good dream. Cikgu, don't wake me up the next time. Haha, kidding kidding. I think sitting right at the back seriously puts me to sleep. With the beautiful wind and sun hahaha. Very... Wah. Haha. Every akhbar lesson I'll start sleeping and dreaming, especially because they're on Mondays and Tuesdays. Sleepy days! hehehe. Oh, you know what's annoying? Deadlines of performance tasks (like, all) and Common Test week, IS THE SAME. How annoying is that? Unfair, like ohmygod. How to study and complete task at the same time? Oh my, I should shut up because I don't study. but still, because I have tasks to do, it stops and gives me excuses to not study. HAHAHA, oh my who am I kidding. AHHHHHH. Okay I have to go home and start watching the lit film again. KONICHIWA SHEEP AND COWS!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA. Holy cow, sayonara. :) Monday, February 22, 2010 ![]() Omg. From where I am, I hear somebody listening to No Boundaries, but female remix! Haha, gets a little bit irritating. Anyway, today's like a very mundane day. HAHA, totally reminds me of lit man. :) Anyway, yeah very super uber sleepy ttc. Hm, periods were super slack. Eng, MT, SEL, Recess, Reading, Maths, Music and Lit! Haha, Reading and Maths were combined and it was just doing quizzes in the lab. Slaaaack. :D K so anyw got my boomz head migraine and taking 154 didn't help cos the driver was like, irritating. jerking here and there, stupid jerk. hehe. Okay lit was still the best! "Haiyo you can you stop giving me bimbo answers?" HAHA mrs jai is damn cute. "It begins with S... now tell me quickly, what is he?" "SORE LOSER." "haiyo...... *shakes head* what is up with you all, bimbo ah!" HAHA. I love mrs jai's lessons man. Haha, they're like productive but at the same time fun. Which helps with my lack of interest for lit. At least it's fun-er now. HEHE. And btw, thanks maryam for accompanying me while I wait for the holy 545 since I didn't bring my key. Hehe! Lubchu. Haha, syamir you suck mannnn. Boohoo. Oh and, yeah thx irfan for being an idiot but still making me laugh cos you always give in BWAAHAHAHAHA. And no you're not the big best one that I'll have to remove before I be the best. because I already am the best! (k maybe not, just better than you, BIG ONE) hehe. BROTHER. HAHAHAA, I know you hate that worrrrd. Brother. Lastly, thanks amsyar for helping me out with the mundanism. :D HAHA if there's such a word. Hohoho, the characters I drew on my hands were cute! Seriously it's cool, HEHE. Don't fail maths k! Good luck. :) Oh and you know what. I'm sleepy. I give up on geography. Haha. I can't get into Ttf's drop website. They insist on a password, she insist on not needing a password. BLEARGH who cares. Divashini R help me!!!!!!! :( K goodnight I am tired. I love kfc. I love you mwah bye! Sunday, February 21, 2010 Omg. I'm too tired. Tried completing interviews today. We failed. Tried completing EL essay today. Almost failed, but rushed so it's bullshit. Tried doing math today, I totally failed. I tried doing everything. But I simply fail. I hate failures. Thus, I hate my life now. I can't seem to complete anything right and I simply can't forget things. I need to restart everything but once again, I fail. Such a failure. I need to kick my ass up high. I'm too tired. Somebody, help. ring ding dong
Saturday, February 20, 2010 HI I JUST CAME HOME. and I'm dead tired because yesterday I went home at 1030pm because went for lit filming and then marina square and then to my aunt's house at tamp, then they came over to mine. and then my beloved bby (HAHAHA) also known as my twin ifah sleptover. yay! :) k was dead tired. today, went to her house agaaaain, waited for her to change and wtv and then off to bedok (i saw ikin boobz) and then back to tampines. and back to her house (again omg), thennnn to zul's house at sempang! boohooo you nerd. :B still can't own me in arm wrestling (tk hasn't changed you)!!!!!! hehe. oh and his cheapo home-made boomerang got stuck in the tree haha l0ser x500 but okay that boomerang is cool cos it's self-made and it works (and I heard abdullah's fats got hit by it before hahahaha). Ok ok I love all my cousins and anak sedaras (because they love me, awww I know) :D kbye tomorrow out for project meeting with my panda mandaaaa and nutaleh chongz. I hate interviews k? bye. Thursday, February 18, 2010 can you sense the awesomationz. hehe, hi. omg long time neh update eh? :) okay anyway nothing much. I've been very sleepy, dozing my butts of during malay. cos when we have common test, I'll finish early somehow and just faceplant and say goodbye to the angry world. I write and drop my pen without realising, not until I realise I was writing something invisible. -.- too sleepy. sabrina laughs at me when I do that. Haha, I would too if I were to watch myself. :D oh and I'm lazy to post alot because I've got truckloads of math homework today. damnnnn. I hate drawing number lines. I hate drawing graphs. I hate drawing molecules/atoms thus I conclude I hate drawing things related to math + science. they're the most horrible drawings you can ever learn to draw. :B Today went out with pei ern, natalie chongz and diva. although divashini r (errr, what does it stand for again? DAMN) left early that damnassssssz. k anyw Paya Lebar > Bugis Junction > Bugis Street > Mrt to tamp > Tamp mall > Pasir Ris > Loyang Point > Home. I'm seriously getting fatter. Okay I think the bad breathed ahbeng that isn't educated on how to shave his beard and moustache with many unpretty piercings and fat and disgusting with his whole shawty clan is disgusting and the fact that they surrounded me and talked about me is really disturbing. Plus, they kept on talking to me despite my wonderful ignorance, so they tapped my shoulders and touched my back. Fuck get a life, I hate you all I swear. Traumatizing humans. Wait, you people aren't humans. K stop blabbing I should get on to math k bye. :) P/S: SHAHFIQAH SUKOR AND ASYIKIN LATIFF I WANNA SEE THE DIVA THING CAN PLSZ KTHXBYE money on my face yeah
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 Haha! Oh mai holy cow beef patties and nuggetz. I see Cedar Fiesta 2009! haha. with amira's disfigured bangsz (nyehehehe I told yaaa!) and my long nong hair! Bullshit manz. Hahaha. I seriously think we should have Cedar Fiesta again. :( It's freaking dope! Other than the raising $ part. Hehe I luv the dunking machine and wolf ballz! :D AND OUR OREO CHEESECAKE WHOAAAA. When everything was oreo, huh -.- Just because we were 1 what? Oreo. -_____- *cries of humiliation* HAHAHA. Kidding kidding. I remember I wanted 1 Osama/Obama. HAHAHA Lamer right. But class deco would be so cool. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Full of the holy face, nyehhhh. K whut? Today is cool. I socialised with 40 - 50 year olds and kindergarten kids like for the day. I should be getting like CIP hours man! :) Anyway yeah my teenage cousins weren't present. So there I was, yeah yeah. Hahaha. It wasn't that bad ah. But thanks Hilman for the little help of texting me while I was at the climax of bwhoredom. I do hope you get a nightmare of me though, since it was good dreams last year and you liked it that I can't remember my good dreams >( MEANIE. Okay and today's a cool day becuz it's the first time I'm meeting someone's who tonedeaf!!! (I mean, who confessed to me). HAHAH. My own cuz, I didn't even knowwww. Cos I was like "uh kak, do you like have a guitar? I'm bwhoreeeeed can you seeeee." And then she was like "Heh. I am tone deaf, so i've got like nothing to do with music at all so yeah.". Haha I stared at her in amazemeent like whoaaaow. And then she was like "WHAT? Hehehe shut up" or something like that and all I could say was "No wonder you luv to karaoke, hehe.". HEHEHEHEHEHE. But so cool finally! Somebody tone deaf LOL. I didn't know like all my life. <: She should be the sg idol judge. Confirm can win. >D And yah my fat 11 yr old cuz toppling backwards tgt with the chair is just so freaking funnyyyyyyy. Hehe he slept on it aft that hahaha. Big L ya know. :) OKAY GOING OUT AT 8 30 AM TMR TO MEET IKINZ FOR BF AND THEN THE WHOLE DAY OCCUPIED. It's gonna be fun and tiring. Hehehe, hell yeah I'm excited ok bye! (Y) Nightz luvly ratsz. p/s: omg is it just me or do I see like ......urgh nvm. -.- Monday, February 15, 2010 ![]() OH MAI (HOLY COW) GEORGOUS SEC ONE. holycow burgers and nuggets! :O HAHA I lol'd like there's no tomorrow when I saw this on class blog. AMIRA AMIRZA (PABLO) BANGS HOW COULD YOU!!!!! :( Oh but my fringe was cool ah. HAHA. What's wrong with my face? I don't know, ask amira. She probably said something. ): I look shagged, I bet I was damn tired. Aww thank you pariahthi/bimbokumar ;) Amira still uploaded my gangsta (wannabe) face HAHA. Amira it's okay one day i will post a picture of you and your disfigured bangz after pe/jogging okay i promise! :) but it was definitely damn fun laughing my ass off like I was gonna dropdead looking at asyikin walking around with the sesat name tagged pinned on her back without her noticing. and Namia didn't notice either. Aw aren't they just meant to be together ;) HEHE KIDDING KIN. Okay I had dinner at BBQ chicken today. It was okay. I was too hungry to taste the food properly (HAHAHAHA) cos when my mom's food just arrived, I've finished up all mai holy cheeeekenz. I is veli big tummy laik roar \m/ WHAT AM I TALKING HUH. Okay I am still hungry. I should seriously eat up a cow because I never get full :( soon I'll be as fat as a cow oh mai god so gay no nevah. SOMEBODY HELP ME. Sunday, February 14, 2010 LOL @my pic man. haha. but oh well I think smiling is very gay and gay is very good and good is just wonderful thus you should always smile and take a picture of yourself because it feels happy like gay happy. OMG I SHOULD JUST STOP TALKING. :D nyeh! how are you? firstly. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY AND HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! I love all of you valentines = friends ;) Haha and yes not celebrating valentines day with someone isn't pathetic because you save money and time and save that risk of breaking your heart (you know?)! HAHAHAHA. And yes I luv cny cuz I get angbaos too. :B Ain't life gay during these moments. Oh I forgot to tell you that last week's ymc was b-whore-ing. HEHE. Was like halfdead/sleeping throughout. So lucky didn't seat in the first row. Else it'd be embarrrrrassing muahaha. But it was funny lah. Abrisam and his 'fuck'. Pretty annoying after awhile eh. HEHEH. Faris as per usual. Very blur. Oh and yeah I'm not party animal. Offer me an alternative please. Shahf..... HAHA. K got nothing to say. :) Next one's on Social Etiquette like ohmaigay doubt anyone's going. HAHAHEHE. K life has been gay (excluding emotional glitch RIGHT SARAH HAHA). I think I'm going frolicking (fcukandlick HAHAHA PEIERN) with Peiern on Thursday ;) And hopefully shopping with somebody (who wanna who wanna?!!!) on Wednesday. :D Recently talked to shahf and haiiiii. we're in the exact same spot. Well, hers is a little more lovely though. HEHE. Oh and shahf meet soon! :) and yeah we will go through this thing that spells out as s-h-i-t. yeah you get it. hehe lub you. OKAY I'VE TAKEN HOURS TYPING THIS POST OUT (cos I always get distracted/run out of ideas) and I've yet to post it. Shall just post it nao. Blog again later if I've got anything interesting to talk about. HEHEHEHE. I AM HUNGRY SOMEONE SAVE ME. HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY SYAFE! (13th feb) Yeah i texted you, and fb-ed. But here's a post. Hehe. Thanks for everyth last year! Like all the trips to pr park (hahaha like every week thrice? twice?), and discussion about *inserts name here*. Haha, i owe you someth ah. roar no guitar pick. what shall I get you? anyway, take care enjoy. see you soon :) I lub you kin. hahaha. i see you everyday so no prob. shahf these days gone MIA muahah. kena kidnap also I won't realise already :( haha. k shahf I know you know what we know. hope to get over everything sooooooooooon muah miss you!!! :D Thursday, February 11, 2010 ![]() Omg. today is so damn gay. Well, lessons are lessons. They're most of the time: Boring And Sleepy. Hehe. But, yeah it's education! Hahaha. Cut the crap. Anyw, I think I've been doing okayyyy in my studies. Quite glad to hear, right? :D Other than the fact that I dread balancing equations T___T *cries till eternity* I mean seriously, it totally blows up my mind! ): Haha. Oh and I've started sleeping in class this month. Urgh I feel depressed! I need to stop this for once. I've been like king of sleep in sec one. Must stop this habit. January has been good. No sleeping! So wide awake. Feb, every science or geog class my eyes turn very errrr, sleepy. And thank god holy cow boon chenge has I don't know, endless supply of sweets? :) So she keeps me awake. Well, and her stories too. She sort of have cool stories, you know. Anddddd, of course with my holy cow laughter peopleeee. Amanda Lim! :) And Zhi Yi and kapzthefroggy. hee! and brenda. yeah. funny. so yeah that's how I keep myself awake, almost all the time. hehehehe. Recess have always been awesome. It's either slack in class and just joke and laugh out loud (until mr eng comes and screams something like: IS THIS A FEMALE TOILET?!!!! I DON'T SEE THE SIGN) Hehe, yeah. Or, singing with Nutaleh Chong (BABY BABY BABY OOOH~) or, spasticity with Brenda Ikin Parvathi Diva Jeslyn (and JEN) or whut else. HAHA. idk k recess is just fun. :) OH OH OH. TODAY!!!! :) thought it'd be boring lah. But was planning to go marina square with chong cos I need to go send the stupidbitchyshit to the shop for repair. Ah, holy cow. Anyw, planned cancelled so like whatever. Haha. I was being nice so I accompanied taqim to get his vday stuff. Stupid lah, everybody ask me okay! :-( HAHA. Good thing I neh celeb vday with anybody (raises eyebrows up and down, I feel my freedom). Or else I smack all your faces. So after helping this stupid fussy ass, went whitesands and guess who I saw? ....... SYAMIR!!!!!!!!!! :D Bff. HAHAHA. So gay! And Amsyar (the big big one). Haha. So helped him also. Haha, was like making a whole lot of trips here and there. And then saw maryam. don't know why she neh join! :( K so err, aft that left taqim (haha pangseh) and went to syamir's house. Intention: to transfer the *coughs* to my phone to print tmr. Ended up: Youtubing, facebooking, stalking, laughing, storytelling, GHOSTLY STUFF. HAHA. And then amsyar got scared :P haha. Oh very gay lah the whole talking session. thanks syamir! and his nenek totally creeped us out cos we were like sitting at the balcony with all the comps and stuff in the dark/dim light then suddenly his nenek rolled out on her wheelchair slowwwwwly. OMG CREEPY HAHA. K anyw fun session! :) lubyou bff! STUPID AH BUT THX FOR SENDING ME BK COS I WAS TOO CREEPED OUT (eh, so was amsyar ah). Oh and thanks to amsyar (Jailani's son. and natalie, it's not amsa tyvm!!!) for being the imaginary friend in the bus when I get freaked out about that cheekopek guy. HAHA. Shall tell you all soon. Like you know, the long weekend. I'll probably blog alot. :D PROBABLY. heheh. I think I shall end here. I love all my friends and since I don't have a valentine (omg sounds pathetic but no!!!), HAPPY CNY AND HAPPY VDAY TO ALL OF YOU! I LOVE YOU, VALENTINES. :D Kbye! Remain gay okay. I realise I don't post regularly. I shall. From now onwards. HEHEHE. Sunday, February 7, 2010 the world's coming to an end
![]() this week has been fine. like a rollercoaster ride for my brains though. I think I've reached the climax for term one. haha. I feel very dizzy and exhausted like often these days. don't tell me I've got low blood pressure, damn that's unlucky. haha. but you know, i'm glad i have the best friends of all time. so anyway, these few weeks it's pretty often that I meet syamir. well other than the fact that he comes to see ms pinky (haha inside joke), it's been quite a pleasure hanging out cos you know, we've been missing out on a lot (and yo miss pinky, it's not couple wannabe) HAHA. oh and have been going to school with hamizan, on alternate days/weeks ah. also catched up a little with him. I saw hariz recently. Didn't get to talk though. Hm, you know what. I conclude that I miss all of you so fucking much, really. this is just a general update. haha, i'm pretty lazy to tell you what has been going on. well, other than the fact that I've been struggling to keep myself awake in class. like seriously, sitting next to bc sorta helps. (other than being questioned 24/7 on things I cannot answer, brrrr). And with the company of diva, asyikin, shahfiqah, brenda, parvathi, sarah, amanda, bc, *inserts a long list of names here*, I've been able to survive. love you all! <: oh. my. god. I've been having complications in sorting out my life. it's frustrating, you know. haha. and ofc, my feelings. hahahaha. all this monkeystuff sucks. seriously. I need to let myself know if I'm over you, seems like I have. Or maybe not. I need somebody to talk to. Bleargh. LIFE SUCKS AND THEN YOU DIE (I love you sarah!) :D Thursday, February 4, 2010 I WANT TO SEE MY FUTURE (BADLY). I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. I want to see my future. HAHA. Maryam, Syurhan, Fouzy, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. :( |