![]() I'm fourteen. All I hope for now is to completely forget about you. Youtube|Facebook|Twitter tagboard
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Saturday, January 30, 2010 anyway, hi. :) today's a sleepy day. realllly. overslept and was like one hour late for training. pretty lucky we only missed, pt :D HEHEHEHE. thanks eh zul. haha. k lah the running drill was humiliating, heh I swear. I look like an idiot. But at least after awhile it was okay. Haha. Then was that stupid squads. Which we all made noise and got mr whye to shut us up. HAH. It was painful. Hahaha. Then straight to game! so cheeeaaatod right. Haha. K game was fun. Ammar kene damn like seriously horribly. HAHA. Okay we won 10-6. Yay us, haha. Pai is superman man. :) And syahmi won't ever not make me laugh. Haha. Comical, I swear. And the tamil vulgars, malaysian beng (HAHAHA @chee yang), shy brandon/idol brandon (haha kembang), and whatever inside joke. haha. "Ammar, you should start playing with your brains and not your heart." HAHAHA. Sounds very gay! :) Anyway, was undecided on where to go after training. So took 3 to whitesands. Ate like two doublecheese burgers. Haha, hey piggy, I know. :) Met amirarazali (with the sleng HAHA), irfan hairshim and hanif boncet. HAHAHA. Slacked at macs and then took 6. Stopped to change to 3 cos changed my mind on going home to bathe. Straight went to meet Zlatan and Shahf. (hehe). Slacked at the usual spa area (HAHA just because it's hot) cos they had some stupid dog show at the roof. I bet Irfan won the heaviest dog title. :) After Zlatan went off, trained to pasir ris with shahfiqah. Had long talks at Macs. Haha, *kening naik naik with my cheekopek stare*. Hehehuhu. I know telling me makes you relieve. HAH. Went home after that. And today, I saw too many people I know. Haha. So gay. But, it was sorta a great day. <: despite the number of busrides I took and, how sleepy I am. Okay wtv. I'm excited for Monday. Hamizan Farhan (yusuf?) you all better appear! :D Yusuf it's so hard to convince you hahaha. Must I bring some hot girl or something. HAHA. Okay fine bye I am so sleepy now. :-( Not going for 30h floorball. Thanks to my parents. >: Kbye. Friday, January 29, 2010 I'm back baby yo back. I know you've missed me <: anywaaaaay, thank god it's friday momma. I love you fridays, haha. today was well spent with maryam sajidah bte mahmood shah (yes ah i got that! woohoo) thanks babe lub chu. haha. and yeah nobody knows about what I talked about just now (you know, ada style takda style? haha!) except maybe like diva or someth. :D you probably understand cos you've seen the most of it (as in, yeah you know hahah anyth text me laaaa!). you better come training tomorrow MS PIGGY!!!!!! C: oh yeah I am bored. here's whatever pictures I found this week. :D Wednesdays b And I believe the world is coming to an end, so well I guess I'm gonna pretend. Thursday, January 28, 2010 Heh, omg. Long time no post huh? Oh, before anything else, I'd like to wish a very big thank you to all of you who wished me, bashed me - on my face AND hair (cream, omg now I have something like pimples appearing you know!!!! D:), texted me, gave me a hug, called me, gave me wonderful presents (!!!) and well, wished me one way or another, once again. TYVM from deepdownunderwithinbeneath my humongous heart <: Awwww. Now school? Damn. Have been okay these days. But, sort of no time/interest for blogging. HAH HAH. You'll find me on twitter/facebook. so don't worry!!!! :) Friday, January 22, 2010 HELLO BLOGGIE I SO MISS YOU SFM! <: it feels good to be back. been so busy these days. i'll be blogging from naow on! please come back. soon. HAHAHAHAHA. Saturday, January 9, 2010 oh and it has been awhile since I've blogged. so hello blogger :) I've been busy with, what else. school. eeekz that word gives me the creeps. heheh. but, I survived week one. let's see about week two. k anyway, the whole week was spent hanging out after school, eating fast food (which me and ikin will ban ourselves from next week!), talks about the past, laughing non-stop (like literally) for the longest time, enjoying aircon in the libr (HAAHA), and, just talks. Mostly with ikin, and shahf. Thanks ikin for the whole week with you! :) it's awesome hahahaha. lub you. and poor shahf she has tuition now ): less time with shahf, since she made it to the team also. but gratsz! :D oh and hangout with syafe, redza, and ikin and shahf that day. hehehe. fun. :) gratszzzzzz syafe! you know why. eh wait, isn't this the second time I congragulated you? :O heheh. okay okay. err, today is so mundane. the only thing I did for the day is like, eat, sleep, facebook, chat, blog, text, laugh, and guitar. eeeeeeeeekz it's so cool that I didn't go out today. RIGHT? because I'm going out tomorrrrrow. yay. to ikin's. time for pinky surprise! :D heh heh. oh and I should tell you that abdullah is funny because he has to go for madr and since he wants to asap before madr, he asks me if the ustazah will care. HAHAHAHAA. dumbo. nvm, go madrasah. good that arab boy is going madrasah. HAHAHAHA i know you hate me calling you arab. BUT, YOU ARE ONE! Face it arab boy, be a good one. HAHA. oh and having funnytalk with amsyar. SO LAME. geeks need bras, not those big ones. but they still do need bras. especially ALGE bras. :) HAHAHA i know you're giving your stonewtfshutup face right now. HAHA bye! Monday, January 4, 2010 First day of school? Don't even talk about it. (hahaha) Both me and shahfiqah couldn't sleep last night (or maybe this morning). Well at least she played daidi and talked to her sister the whole night. While I, stay in bed twisting and turning and staring into space. What a great way to begin the semester. Eeeeeekz. But oh well, at least that will put me to sleep tonight *looks on the bright side*. Haha, so I went out of the house like unusually early thanks to the unawesome shahfiqah. Met her at like 5 40 or 5 45 at macs. HAHA. Catch up with her homework yang dia belom buat. Tsk baby! HAHAH. K then err, trained at 6 30. Waited for 135 like some pathetic human urgh. In the end, we reached school like on the dot! *wipes perspiration* HAHA. I am trying to sound a little smarter because since the holidays, I don't think I've said any word that made any boomz sense. :) Okay, so like administrative stuff. Whoatever. Mrs Yeo is.. Okay I guess? Not like roarz on first day so we're considered pretty lucky. Poor 2N. Oh and I wonder how the sec ones are doing. If you get Mr Chris Chan you're lucky as hell I tell ya! :) And congrats 2P, aiman loves you too much :D Recess was dull and boring omg. Worse recess ever? Heh. Cos it was like overcrowded cos I think they released all level at once? -.- gee. k didn't socialize with the sec ones cos it's very awkward to even begin with. hehehe. Then had reading and blaaa. I think Ms Fernandez is cool ^^ Like rly cool. As cool as her cool name dammmnnn. (oh, that's a curse -.- HAHAHA) K music was fun. Guitar baby! Heh heh. But it's classical like errr. ): Cedar please get acoustics cos they sound wayyyy sexier, hee heee! :D K skip to aftr sch where the patience test begins! From waiting for the bus to waiting for nadiah and blaaaa, k ate lunch at Paya Lebar Kfc. Trained to pasir ris and no I'm not gonna tell you how shahfiqah (as per usuuuuuual) embarrassed herself in the mrt, with us laughing so omfg loud that people gave us that death stare k meaaaan. Met syafe, redza and shafiq. Sent shafiq home (pathetic ah! aisey man memberrr haha), then errr, ate at macs (fat or what) and then walk like some aimless people. ended up at a void deck next to casuarina, played daidi. got bored, so I walked home. haha, exercise! I don't know why but despite the fact that I didn't sleep yesterday, I am unusually hyper and crazy today ): HAHAHA. It was seriously scary. I think I laughed like a maniac at almost everything. And I laughed damn loudly at that old man in the Female toilet till he looked like he was going to faint/cry. eeekz sorry oldie! :/ didn't mean it. was just too high. OK I AM GOING TO CALM MYSELF DOWN TOMORROW. URGH. Stop laughing alrd, nabilah. hahahahaha (k that's it). I laugh freakily these days. I think it's the influence of Shafiq. Cos his laughter is..... the killer laughter omg i can't take it I'm laughing at the way he laughs hahahaha! :D Lastly, congragulations syafe! (heh you know why). And congrats to irsyad hilman abdullah bryant syakir farouq whoever else in your clique for the long pants -.- it's someth y'all feel so proud about right. hahahaha. wow such a biggy. haha. k lah bye. |