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Thursday, December 31, 2009 HAPPY (advance) NEW YEAR EVERYBODY. May 2010 be a great year ahead, I hope. What's my resolution? I don't actually know. I'll think about it tonight. And I feel so shagged now, have been out since 7am till naowz. Just arrived home. And I'm going to do my homework on new years day. yay me. I feel very pathetic okay. But thanks Hanif, Farhan, Haizi, AmiraRazali (HAHA), Irfanhazmihaziqhaikelaisyahmiyasuhailafazilfathi (you get it, the whole clan) and Nadiah for today :) it's a pretty great way to end 2009. it's been a great year, heheh. Wednesday, December 30, 2009 ![]() I WANT HIS HAIR (badly). ): If only santa was a good hairdresser, hmmphf. I want his teeth too. I think lee hongki is freaking georgous :D Oh and I don't mind having his skin, and charming eyes. Aiya and his cutenesz. K that's it. A girl hongki would be so cool :)Hehe, I probably just don't want his life. Cos then I'd be so popular and people are running after me and I can't even eat without anyone not getting a photo of me gulping something down. Urgh, annoying much? Haha. Such an ... Overrated life or whatever you wanna call it. OK BUT I STILL WANT HIS HAIR. ): ): ): That's it I'm gonna wait till my hair grows and it's time to layerrrr! Oooh which reminds me, I miss the song In The Ayer! Heh heh, Oh hot damn ~ this is my jam. keep me partying into the am? OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT HAHAHA. Orientation song, we changed the lyrics. Cedar, ce-cedarrr! :D hi hello hey. I still like my matrep post. shake ah shake! anyway, todayyyyyyy. is great dayyyyyy. if Irfan were to follow he probably would have lost 2kg heh! and I told you why.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 I have not been laughing this bad for the past few days, really. But just few minutes ago, I found my source of major laughter (more like killer laughter). It's the Anti Matreps & Floating Caps group on Fb! HAHAHA KEKEX TTM. Am laughing like a madarse naow. :) ![]() "kaki aku ada bintat siak. gatal giler. aku rasa ada mat gigit kaki aku. must use repticide." "pls stick to ur slipper jamban and baju star2!!" "whats with the handsigns and area2..? pikir tempat tu bapak diorg yg bayar ke?" my favourite of all : "it's not a bird, it's not a plane. and it's not superman, it's the floating caps!" time to reach out
haha okay. I am having a neck ache. but today is fun in a different way. not filled with laughter, but love :)
oh and prbbly going to sch to get three pathetic books tmr -.- cry for my pathetic soul please. hah hah. if hamizan can't make it, maybe going with irfan hahaha. thx btw. :) made a deal with ikin about homewk hahah you do geog i do science ok ok! thank you lub you many many. OH AND I HAVE THE STUDIO VERSION OF TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL BY SEZAIRI IN MY PHONE <: weeeee. want it want it? it has been on replay for idk how many times. sezairi ftw :) Monday, December 28, 2009 the holiday's coming to an end. I feel very sucky. because I havn't been doing much stuff that benefits, really. my homework's not even done :( I feel pressurized, burdened. what a slacker. and I've got a feeling my life in 2010's gonna be a serious screw up. like, I have this feeling I'm just going to drive straight through and just hit down whatever's that coming. crash and burn. haha. oh well, have got to control. can you feel my pain? :( Saturday, December 26, 2009 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMIRA RAZALI (the n00byb00byd0g)! you're 20 heh heh yay. have fun being bullied by (names the rest of the fam hehehe). hope irfan teaches you how to cook HAHAHA. oh and have fun planting hair on him! :) thx for everyth! <3 kirim salam razali heheheh. -- Oh and merry belated christmas everybody! :D :D :D heh. I'll continue posting pictures later. anyway today didn't do much. went down to lepak w syurhan and the rest for about an hour, cos have been paitao-ing them. heh, i feel bad. k takpa you guys \m/ just don't scream like dogs under the void deck. bising nak mampos. hahaha. oh, i've joinned sgBEAT! so can facebk status update via my phone. heh heh, thx kin. i couldn't have been bothered to do it if you didn't like 'ask' me to. HAHAHAHA. should I start tweeeeeting? should I, should I? sorta lazy. COS THE LAST TIME I TRIED PLURKING = EPIC PHAIL. I used it for 2 weeks then..... bye :( HAH HAH HAH. k roarz bye. :) Ps: Amsyar I'm sorry! Friday, December 25, 2009 k today (maybe yestd) :
eh yes ah. yusuf and hamizan, meet soon! I know korang dah kerek but, haha I miss you all and yes like miracle suddenly you all talk to me hahaha. k dah bye. :) Thursday, December 24, 2009 I'll be posting a whole spambigchunkmesswtv of 2008's pictures in next post. Haha, and I shall try to recall descriptions about that picture. Eh, it's a memory challenge! heh and I'm talking to alyaa and irfan naowzs. hahaha me and alyaa combining names and thinking of names for future use (hahaha like wtf). nothing to do already ma. alyaa, I come out with cool names ah! :) And my equation totally makes sense okay. I know you know. Okay Imma sleep early I guess. I think my mom's gonna screw me up for going out and coming home after dusk like consecutive 9 days? :S Okay I shall stop coming home at night already. But it's seriously out of control omg. And I can't not have plans it's like always last minute somebody contact. Hah hah I suck at trying to stick my butt home :( hahaha, k bye :) down the memory lane (part 1)
K as promised. And you know, this is so part 1. because there's way too many!!!! :) and I only pick like 5 - 10 out of one album in my camera folder. and total there's about 60+ folders, includes 2008 and 2009. k whatever I'll talk about the pics below each pic HEHEHE. one : 2nd bbq :) EPIC SIA I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING. Like ubin boy woohooo. oh and I miss Ahmad Farhan's crazy laughter nyaaah. two : out to grab cert + ehub? (hahaha idk omg) three : grad day/night. four : IEP! :) five : random ![]() six : jalan raya day two. seven : random outing! :) eight : visit the kittens @ syamir's! :D nine : nananana! ~ ten : jalan raya day one :D eleven : teachers day! twelve : nadhnadhnadhraaaah! :D thriteen : day maryam went home early and got stalked :O -- Kk.